Proposed “New Governance Model” for Punjab shall further entrench bureaucratic bottlenecks and red tapism
Posted on: February 13, 2019, by : drwajid pirzada
Bureaucracy in Pakistan according to a Seraeiki version :Jaddan karesi, burra karesi” is trained for status quo and authoritarian rule, creating bottlenecks and red tap in dispensation of services to masses, to whom they should be responsible as servants.
The proposed model of governance in Punjab suggests creation of around 7 Additional posts of Additional Chief Secretaries, implying more bottlenecks and added red tapism. It simply means that the ruling party has no idea whatsoever of ‘Good Governance’ that demands devolution of power, even beyond 18th Constitutional Amendment. There is need to further devolve powers to district departmental heads to help reach services to the doorstep of the masses, and make civil service accountable.
Dr. Wajid Pirzada
CEO Roots