List of Publications



The Chief Scientist/Director WTO-FARM Cell (Dr. Syed Wajid H. Pirzada) has more than 140 publications to his credit, including books, research reports, review/research & policy papers and popular extension education articles.

Books/Major Reports

  1. World Trade Organization (WTO) Agreements and their Implications for a Developing Economy- a training manual, Pakistan, Pakistan agricultural research Council, Wajid H. Pirzada.

  2. Action Aid Pakistan, Mid-term Review Report, 1998 by Ahmad, Jameel; Pirzada, W.H.; Malik, J. Bushra; Batool, Iram and Malik T.H.

  3. Poultry Health and Management, Pakistan Poultry Association, First Edition, 1994, W.H. Pirzada.

  4. Managing Biodiversity, ICIMOD, Nepal, 1999, W.H. Pirzada (co-author).

  5. Globalization- Geo-economic World Order, FRIENDS Pakistan, 2000, Wajid H. Pirzada (co-author).

  6. Impact of WTO Agreement on Agriculture on Pakistan's Agriculture, Action Aid international, Pakistan [2005]

  7. Impact of WTO Agreement on Seed Industry in Asia, APSA [2003]

  8. Review of Dairy Sector of Pakistan, AASR, [2003]

  9. Power Politics in WTO, Action Aid International Pakistan

  10. Food insecurity in Rural Pakistan-2003, UN-WFP

  11. Pakistan's Agro-based Exports and International SPS Compliance-The World Bank, 2005

  12. The World Trade Organization (WTO) and Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC), OIC Scientific & Technological Cooperation (COMSTECH), March 2005

  13. Global Change Perspective in Pakistan (Co-authored), APN, 2005

  14. Managing the Challenge of WTO Participation: 45 Case Studies (Co-authored),WTO, Cambridge Press, 2006

  15. Alternative Livelihood Development, Oxfam GB-UK/Pakistan, 2008

  16. Trade Liberalization in Pakistan: Implications on Livelihoods of Vulnerable Farming Communities, EJAD-Pakistan, 2008.

  17. Role of Sustainable Agriculture in Reducing Hunger and Sustaining Rural Livelihoods in Pakistan, EJAD-Pakistan, 2008.

  18. International Assessment of Ag S&T for Development (IAASTD) for CWANA region (as Coordinating Lead Author)

Discipline-based Publications:

Natural Resource Management/ Development

  1. Sial, M.A., Pirzada, W.H. and Syed Askery H. (1991). Livestock research in Pakistan, Journal of Science and Technology, Vol.10 No.3.

  2. Khan, R.N. and Pirzada, W.H., Ali, A. and Razzaq, A. (1991). Effect of non-genetic factors of milk yield of Holstein cows in Pakistan, Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Research, PJAR. Vol. 12, No.2.

  3. Ghaffar, A., Khan, I.I.; Mirza, M.A. and Pirzada, W.H., (1991). Effect of year and season of calving on some traits of economic importance in Nili-Rave buffalo, Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Research, PJAR. Vol.12, No.3.

  4. Naqvi, A.N., Ghaffar, A., Khan, N.U., Mirza, M.A. and Pirzada, W.H. (1991). Heat tolerance & milk production in purebred and crossbred cows. Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Research, PJAR. Vol.12, No.1.

  5. Anwar, M. Mehmood, A., Pirzada, W.H. and Ahmad, W. (1989). First successful embryo transfer in Pakistan. Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Research (P.J.A.R) Vol. 10, No.2.

  6. Khan, K.N.M., Irfan, M., Pirzada, W.H., Quill fluid examination as possible diagnostic aid in avian spirochaetosis, Journal of Animal Health and Production (forthcoming).

  7. Pirzada, W.H. and Hussain, Z. (1997). Post-parturient haemoglobinuria in buffaloes, Journal of Tropical Animal Health. Health. And Prod.

  8. Khan, R.N. and Pirzada, W.H. (1990). Genetic improvement of cattle through crossbreeding, Journal of Science and Technology in Islamic World, Vol. 8, No.4.

  9. Pirzada, W.H., Khan, R.N. and Ghaffar, A. (1989). Camel: An animal resource of Islamic World, Journal of Science and Technology, Vol.7, Issue-2, in Islamic World.

  10. Pirzada, W.H., Anwar, M., Mehmood, A. (1988). Possible role, embryo transfer technology can play in improvement of sheep and goats in Pakistan. Journal of Animal Health of Pakistan, Vol.8 (1-4).

  11. Hussain, M., Naeem, K., Pirzada, W.H. and Khan, M.Q. (1989). Immunogenecity of bacterin and capsular antigens of Pasteurella multocida in buffalo calves, Pakistan Veterinary Journal, P.V.J., Vol.6, and No.2.

  12. Memmona, Rauf Khan & Pirzada, Wajid H(2002) Sub-sectoral Analysis of poultry industry in Pakistan: Directions for future change, Journal of S & T Policy & Scientometrics, Vol.1,No 2,PP 58-78

Socio- Economic and Public Health

  1. Mehdi, M. and Pirzada, W.H. (1994). Torture and rehabilitation of torture victims. Rahat's Medical Journal, Vol.1, No.1, Voice against Torture [VAT] Islamabad, Pakistan.

  2. M Mehdi, M. and Pirzada, W.H. (1994). Treating torture survivors. Rahat's Medical Journal, Vol.1, No.1, Voice Against Torture [VAT] Islamabad, Pakistan.

  3. Mehdi, M. and Pirzada, W.H. (1994). Health care of Psychological trauma, importance of therapist-patient relationship, Voice Against Torture [VAT] Islamabad, Pakistan.

  4. Pirzada, Wajid H. (1999) Sustainable Rural Development in Pakistan: a New Millennium Perspective, Journal Science Technology & Development, Vol.18, NO.4, Oct- Nov.

  5. Pirzada, Wajid H (1999) Strategies for Community - oriented Human Development Programs, journal National Development &security, Vol.V111, No. 1, Sr. # 29.

  6. Pirzada, Wajid H (1999) WTO and its possible implications for Developing Economies like Pakistan, Journal Science Technology & Development, Vol.18, and N0. 3, July- Sept.

  7. Pirzada. Wajid. H. (2000) WTO Regime and National Public Health Imperatives: Pakistan's Perspective, Journal National Development & Security, VOL. , No.

  8. Pirzada, W.H.(2000), Food Irradiation as SPS treatment, Proceeding of 3 day Regional Workshop, Information on the use of irradiation as Sanitary & Phytosanitary Treatment (7-9 August), FAO / IAEA/ RCA, Kula Lumpur, Malaysia.

  9. Pirzada, Wajid H (2003) Effect on the seed industry of Sanitary & Phytosanitary measures under the WTO, Asian Seed & Planting Material, Vol., 10, No.5, Sept-Oct.

  10. Pirzada, Wajid H(2003)Safety & quality imperatives with in the SPS/TBT regime: A HKH perspective, in Farmer's rights to livelihood in the Hindu-Kush Himalayas[HKH],Ed. Ratnakar Adhikari, Kamalesh Adhikari, South Asia Watch on Trade, Economics & Environment[SAWTEE]Nepal, PP 57-66.

  11. Pirzada, Wajid H (2003) Biotechnology: A looming threat? Trade & Development Monitor, Vol.2, No.2,June-July./

  12. Pirzada, Wajid H (2003), A log- frame of sui generis system to protect farmer's rights, in Farmer's rights to livelihood in the Hindu-Kush Himalayas [HKH], Ed. Ratnakar Adhikari, Kamalesh Adhikari, South Asia Watch on Trade, Economics & Environment [SAWTEE] Nepal, PP 138-156.

  13. Pirzada, Wajid H (2004) Market Access and standards, Journal of Science Technology & Development (in press).

  14. Pirzada, Wajid .H (2004) Impact of trade liberalization on Pakistan Agriculture & Industry Journal of Science & Technology(in press)

  15. Mehdi Farooq, Pirzada W.H. (2004) Dialogue: Redefining Torture, Rahat Medical Journal [RMJ] Vol.2, No.2, Voice Against Torture [VAT] Islamabad, Pakistan.

  16. Pirzada, Wajid. H (2006) Mango exports from Pakistan and WTO regime on food & agriculture,) Journal of Science, Technology & Development, Vol.25,No.3(July-September)

  17. Pirzada, Wajid. H (2007) A Common Position on Agriculture in Trade Negotiations, Policy Perspective, Vol. 4, No. 1(January-June, 2007)

  18. Pirzada, Wajid. H (2007), Human Rights Dimension of Food Security, VAT News Letter, January-Vol.13, No.1

  19. Pirzada, Wajid. H (2007), Globalization of Trade in Food & Agriculture: Challenges for National Agricultural Research System (NARS), In Proceedings of the International Symposium on Emerging Trends in Food Science & Technology (5-8 November, 2007) University of Agriculture Faisalabad.

Sustainable Livelihood Development

  1. Pirzada, W.H. "Changing roles of Animal Resources in Livelihood Systems of Custodian Communities". Proceedings on Mountain Agro -biodiversity Perspectives. International Centre for Mountain Integrated
    Development (ICIMOD), Quetta, Pakistan, May 1995.

  2. Pirzada, W.H. "Camelidae Research and Development; Present and Future Perspective", at Workshop Proceedings on Camel Production in Pakistan. Ministry of Food and Agriculture, Islamabad, November 1996.

  3. Pirzada, W.H. and Jalali, S. (1990) "Histological development of the fetal testes in Nili-Ravi buffaloes". Proceedings of 3rd International Congress, Pakistan Veterinary Medical Association, Islamabad, Pakistan (November 1990).

  4. Pirzada, W.H. and Jalali, S. (1990) "Fetal body growth in water buffalo". Abstract in the Proceedings of 3rd International Congress, Pakistan Veterinary Medical Association, Islamabad, Pakistan (November 1990).

  5. Ahmad. W, Anwar. M, Mehmood, and Pirzada, W.H. "Scope of Embryo Transfer Technology in Improving Milk Productivity of Livestock". Proceedings on Potential and Production of Dairy. Faculty of Animal Husbandry, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, May 1988.

Cross Cutting Themes/Policy & Planning

  1. Pirzada, W.H. (1997). Veterinary Services academy: A vision statement. The Poultry Times, Vol.2, No.8-10

  2. Pirzada, W.H. (1997). Sustainable development of poultry feed resources. The Poultry Times, Vol.1, No.7 (editorial Urdu).

  3. Pirzada, W.H. (1997). Sustainable market infrastructure for poultry sector in Pakistan. The Poultry Times, Vol. 1, No.6 (editorial-English)

  4. Pirzada, W.H. (1997). Strategic planning for epidemics control in poultry sector. The Poultry Times, Vol.2, No.6 (editorial-Urdu)

  5. Pirzada, W.H. (1997). A review of Pharmaceutical Products. The Poultry Times, Vol.1, No.7.

  6. Pirzada, W.H. (1997). Veterinary drugs/vaccines registration policy. The Poultry Times, Vol.1, No.7 (editorial-English).

  7. Pirzada, W.H. (1997). Heat stress management and early chick mortality. The Poultry Times, Vol. 1, No.6 (editorial-Urdu)

  8. Pirzada, W.H. (1997). Strengthening of veterinary services-An EC project - Analysis in the context of ADBP funded livestock development project. Poultry Times, Vol.1, No.6.

  9. Pirzada, W.H. (1997). Consumer/extension education services- A need of the time. The Poultry Times, Vol.2, No.7. (Editorial-Urdu)

  10. Pirzada, W.H. (1997). Dialogue (Urdu). Performance of poultry sectors. The Poultry Times, Vol.2, No.6.

  11. Pirzada, W.H. (1997). Food, health and national economic development (Urdu). The Poultry Times, Vol. 1, No.6.

  12. Pirzada, W.H. (1997). Environment, livestock/bio diversity and livelihood system. The Poultry Times, Vol.1, No.10.

  13. Pirzada, W.H. (1997). A review of poultry health products. The Poultry Times, Vol.1, No.8-10

  14. Pirzada, W.H. (1997). Veterinary public health/community health implications in meat; dairy and egg production sectors. The Poultry Times, Vol.1, No.5 (editorial-Urdu).

  15. Pirzada, W.H. (1997). Avian Influenza control policy. The Poultry Times, Vol. 1, No1.

  16. Pirzada, W.H. (1997). Poultry production and mutton import from Australia, The Poultry Times, Vol.1, No.1.

  17. Pirzada, W.H. (1997). Immunity and poultry health protection (Urdu), The Poultry Times,

  18. Pirzada, W.H. (1997). Drop in egg production (Urdu), The Poultry Times, Vol.1, and No.1.

  19. Pirzada, W.H. (1993). Animal Health and production services in Pakistan (country paper) DSE/ZEL International Training Course (7th Oct-10th Nov. 1993), Zschortau, Germany. AVN, Vol.5, No.11.

  20. Pirzada, W.H. (1992). Celebrate 1992, AVN. Vol.3, No.10.

  21. Pirzada, W.H. (1992). Resource management; some considerations, AVN. Vol.3, No.10.

  22. Pirzada, W.H. (1992). L&DD staff training course (report), AVN. Vol.3 No.10.

  23. Pirzada, W.H. (1992). Antibacterial mechanism of erythromycin, AVN. Vol.3. No.12.

  24. Pirzada, W.H. (1992). Biodiversity, animal resource and environment (Urdu), AVN. Vol.4 No.2.

  25. Pirzada, W.H. (1992). Dawn of the new century-changing role of veterinarians.

  26. Pirzada, W.H. (1997). Livestock production on industrial scale and self-reliance, AVN. Vol.2 No.10.

  27. Pirzada, W.H. (1991). Quran and animal sciences, AVN. Vol.2, No.12.

  28. Pirzada, W.H. (1991). Strategic planning for Livestock/agriculture research AVN. Vol.3, No.2.

  29. Pirzada, W.H. (1991). National agricultural policy, AVN. Vol.3. No.3.

  30. Pirzada, W.H. (1991). Wasting away of feed resources, AVN. Vol.3.No.3.

  31. Pirzada, W.H. (1991). An overview of vety. Profession-rights and duties (Urdu), AVN. Vol.3 No.4.

  32. Pirzada, W.H. (1991). Veterinary Medical Council (Urdu), AVN. Vol.3.No.4.

  33. Pirzada, W.H. (1991). Listeria moncytogenese: Killing problem in food poisoning, AVN. Vol.3 No.4.

  34. Pirzada, W.H. (1991). Comments on the article "The task of social scientists", AVN. Vol.3 No.5.

  35. Pirzada, W.H. (1991). Livestock development policy: An outline (part-II), AVN. Vol.3 No.5.

  36. Pirzada, W.H. (1991). Half the world (women) and livestock production (Urdu), AVN. Vol.3 No.5.

  37. Sial, M.A., Nawaz, R., Pirzada, W.H. and Usmani, R.H. (1991). Priorities for research and development on small ruminant's production in Pakistan, AVN. Vol.2. No.12.

  38. Pirzada, W.H. (1991). Review of book "A manual of vety. Products", AVN. Vol.2 No.11.

  39. Pirzada, W.H. (1991). Implications of permission for export of wheat bran (under forum), AVN. Vol.3 No.4.

  40. Pirzada, W.H. (1991). Task of social scientists (comments), AVN. Vol.3 No.5.

  41. Pirzada, W.H. (1991). Commercialization of technology in R&D perspective, AVN. Vol.3 No.6.

  42. Pirzada, W.H. (1991). Theme of World Food Day (an analysis), AVN. Vol.3 No.6.

  43. Pirzada, W.H. (1991). Privatization of Vety. Clinics (Urdu), AVN. Vol.3 No.3.

  44. Pirzada, W.H. (1991). Save PVMA from vested interests (under viewpoint), AVN. Vol.3. No.7.

  45. Pirzada, W.H. (1991). Results favor the friends of vets, AVN. Vol.3 No.9.

  46. Durrani, N.U. and Pirzada, W.H. (1991). Livestock diseases, policies and options, AVN Vol.2.No.10.

  47. Pirzada, W.H. (1990). Framework of livestock development policy (under forum), AVN. Vol.1. No.1.

  48. Pirzada, W.H. (1990). Requirements of modern vety. Clinic (Urdu), AVN. Vol.2 No.2 & 3.

  49. Khan, R.N. and Pirzada, W.H. (19989. Importance of beef breeding in Pakistan, AVN, Vol.1. No.1.

  50. Pirzada, W.H. (1989). "New horizons for livestock development (Urdu) AVN. Vol.1 No.1.)

  51. Pirzada, W.H. and Syed, A.H. (1989). Meat we eat, AVN, Vol.1 No.1.

  52. Pirzada, W.H. (1989). Genetics: productivity constraints, AVN. Vol.1. No.3.

  53. Pirzada, W.H. (1989). Heat synchronizer, AVN. Vol.1. No.4.

  54. Pirzada, W.H. (1989). Research ties (Indo-Pak), AVN. Vol.1, No.5.

  55. Pirzada, W.H. (1989). Embryo transfer technology and its genetic impact (under forum). AVN. Vol1 No.5.

  56. Pirzada, W.H. (1989). Milk hygiene and public health. AVN. Vol.1 No.6.

  57. Pirzada, W.H. and Navy, A.N. (1989). Challenges faced by livestock sector, AVN. Vol.1 No.6.

  58. Pirzada, W.H. (1989). Infrastructure of Livestock and Dairy Development Department. AVN. Vol.1, No.9.

  59. Pirzada, W.H. (1989). Need of agro-vet. Services in Pakistan (under forum), AVN. Vol., No.9.

  60. Pirzada, W.H. and Usmani, R.H. (1989). Improving the reproductive potential of buffaloes (under forum), AVN. Vol. No.11. Pirzada, W.H. (2004) Trade Liberalization & High-Value crops: Pakistan's experience- a socio economic perspective, IFPRI-ADB-JU- South Asia Initiative Workshop on Methods for analysis of Markets & Market reforms [March 21`-25,Dhaka, Bangladesh]

Extension Education/Information Advocacy

  1. Pirzada, W.H. (1994). Tylosin, and quaternary ammonia compounds, under product information, VCNL (extension education bulletin), Vol2, No.11.

  2. Pirzada, W.H. (1994). Vaccination in poultry through water, VCNL (extension education bulletin), Vol.2, No.12.

  3. Pirzada, W.H. (1994). Parturient hemoglobinuria in buffaloes, VCNL (extension education bulletin), Vol.3, No.1.

  4. Pirzada, W.H. (1994). Diagnosis of poultry diseases, VCNL (extension education bulletin), Vol.3. No.1.

  5. Pirzada, W.H. (1994). Egg drop syndrome in poultry, VCNL (extension education bulletin), Vol.3, No.2.

  6. Pirzada, W.H. (1994). Marek's disease in, VCNL (extension education bulletin), Vol.3, No.2.

  7. Pirzada, W.H. (1994). Factors involved in Coccidiosis in poultry and their management, VCNL (extension education bulletin), Vol.3, No.3.

  8. Pirzada, W.H. (1994) Factors involved in poultry disease and their management, VCNL (extension education bulletin),
    Vol.3, o.4.

  9. Pirzada, W.H. (1993). Vaccination in poultry, VCNL (extension education bulletin), Vol.2, No.2.

  10. Pirzada, W.H. (1993). Sulphonamides in combination with Trimethoprim, under product information, VCNL (extension education bulletin), Vol.2, No.1.

  11. Pirzada, W.H. (1993). Trimethoprium in combination with Sulphonamides (contd.) under product information, VCNL (extension education bulletin, Vol2, No.2.

  12. Pirzada, W.H. (1993). Avian colibacilloisis, CVNL (extension education bulletin, Vol.2. No.2.

  13. Pirzada, W.H. (1993). Pullout disease in Poultry, VCNL (extension education bulletin), Vol.2, No.3.

  14. Pirzada, W.H. (1993). Chemotherapeutics of diaminazen aceturate, under product information, VCNL (extension education bulletin), Vol.2, No.3.

  15. Pirzada, W.H. (1993). The mode of action of anthelmintics, VCNL (extension education bulletin), Vol.2, No.3.

  16. Pirzada, W.H. (1993). Effect of hot climate on poultry production, VCNL (extension education bulletin), Vol2, No.4.

  17. Pirzada, W.H. (1993). Nutritional management of layers, VCNL (extension education bulletin), Vol.2, No.5.

  18. Pirzada, W.H. (1993). Chemotherapeutics of albendazole, levamisole and norfloxacine, under product information, VCNL (extension education bulletin), Vol.2, No.6.

  19. Pirzada, W.H. (1993). Mycotoxifections in poultry, VCNL (extension education bulletin), Vol.2, No.7.

  20. Pirzada, W.H. (1993). Infectious Coryza in poultry, VCNL (extension education bulletin), Vol.2, No.5.

  21. Pirzada, W.H. (1993). Separate sex feeding system for poultry, VCNL (extension education bulletin), No.2. No.7.

  22. Pirzada, W.H. (1993). Salmonella control in poultry, VCNL (extension education bulletin), Vol.2 and No.7.

  23. Pirzada, W.H. (1993). Chemotherapeutics of emporium and norfloxacine, under product information, VCNL (extension education bulletin), Vol.2, No.8.

  24. Pirzada, W.H. (1993). Wet pox in poultry, VCNL (extension education bulletin) Vol.2, No.7.

  25. Pirzada, W.H. (1993). Parasitism in poultry and its management, VCNL (extension education bulletin), Vol.2, No.10.

  26. Pirzada, W.H. (1992). Infectious Bursal (Gumboro) Disease in Poultry, VCNL, (extension education bulletin), Vol.5/92.

  27. Pirzada, W.H. (1992). Chemotherapeutics of erythromycin: marcrolide antibacterial, VCNL (extension education bulletin), Vol.1/92.

  28. Pirzada, W.H. (1992). Chemotherapeutics properties of ampicillin, under product information, VCNL (extension education bulletin), Vol.2/92

  29. Pirzada, W.H. (1992). Trimethoprim-sulphonamide and gentamicin chemotherapy, under product information VCNL (extension education bulletin), Vol.3/92.

  30. Pirzada, W.H. (1992). Antibacterial mechanism of tetracyclines under product information, VCNL (extension education bulletin), Vol.6/92.

  31. Pirzada, W.H. (1992). Chemotherapeutics of tetramisole/levamisole under product information, VCNL (extension education bulletin), Vol.6/92.