Posted on: February 14, 2019, by :

CEO Roots Pakistan’s CEO presents a paper in Regional Consultation on Conservation, Use and Exchange of Plant Genetic Resources in South Asia SAWTEE, together with Fridtj of Nansen’s Institute (FNI), Norway organized a two Day regional consultation on “Conservation, Use and Exchange of Crop Genetic Resources: Promoting Regional Cooperation for a Food-Secure, Climate-Resilient South Asia” in Kathmandu from 26-27 August 2015.

The overall objective of the consultation was to bring together experts, policy makers, private sector representatives, academic researchers and relevant stakeholders in the field to discuss issues related to conservation, use and exchange of crop genetic resources in the region. This issue is pertinent to the region given its vulnerability to natural disaster and climate change and their impact on food security. The dialogue will provide a platform to thematically discuss international treaties and existing national legal provisions that relate to the management of plant genetic resources for food and agriculture, and the existing access and benefit sharing mechanisms in the region.
CEO Roots Pakistan on invitation from the organizers presented his paper in the event on Case of Pakistan in the session “Climate and Natural Disasters in South Asia: Scope for Regional Cooperation on the Conservation, Use and Exchange of Crop Genetic Resources.