Roots Communique – July 2023
Posted on: August 26, 2023, by : adminIn keeping with the theme of the year on World Environment Day, Roots Pakistan- a grassroots development action, launchedon 5th June 202 its campaign in partnership with National Centre for Cleaner Production- NCCP on ‘Plastic Free Pakistan’ with the help of Roots Pakistan’s Youth Volunteers and Women Empowerment Group.
Roots Pakistan’s CEO Dr. Wajid Pirzada, launched the program at ACHS, Rawalpindi by personally distributing cotton bags among customers at bread-baking outlets(Tandoors). The customers of these ‘Tandoors’ used to fetch freshly-baked (hot) bread in polythene bags, which was a very injurious and unhealthy practice, besides being environmentally non-friendly.
The local community highly appreciated the Roots Pakistan’s initiative and voluntarily joined the campaign. Dr. Pirzada also distributed sun caps among the youth volunteers. Both the cotton bags and the caps carried the label of ‘Plastic-Free World’. On this occasion CEO Roots Pakistan in a message said that polythene products were hazardous and non-degradable material and their production and use needs to be stopped to contain the associated risks.